New Digital scam involving card reader

Recently an elderly lady received a digital card reader in the post from The Royal Bank of Scotland with an enclosed letter. She left it to one side as being elderly she wasn't interested in it.

2 days ago she had a phone call from the bank asking if she received it. She said she had but was taking it back to the bank as she didn't want it. The "very nice man" told her she didn't have to do that and stated he could cancel it for her and told her to put her card and number in to do this. The next day she went to the bank for a statement and yes you can guess every penny had been taken out of her account including savings.

Unless you have requested a digital device from your bank you should treat receiving one with suspicion. Contact your bank directly to check if they have indeed sent one to you.

Martin Mann

I.T. Advice and Support in Harrogate and the surrounding area.

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