Helping businesses effectively market their brand and drive sales online

If digital and/or marketing leaves you feeling confused or if you're not sure if your business is making the most of the latest digital innovations to grow your business then this conference is for you.

Understanding how to put a strategy together using different digital mediums within your budget that deliver real ROI for your business is key. This conference will give you the insights and tools to successfully put your product, service or event out there digitally.

The full day conference is free to attend and will include engaging panel discussions and inspiring keynote speeches. You can either attend the whole event or pick out which speakers you'd like to learn from.

There will also be an opportunity to get advice from businesses within the digital marketing sector who are exhibiting at the event.

Thursday 28th September 2023
Pavilions of Harrogate

Martin Mann

I.T. Advice and Support in Harrogate and the surrounding area.

Harrogate Town embrace Barbie Mania


Draft North Yorkshire Destination Management Plan Consultation and Workshops