‘Be Inspired’ Careers Fair - Harrogate Ladies College

Harrogate Chamber have been approached by one of our members, Harrogate Ladies’ College, to invite our members to be part of their careers fair in November. This is a unique opportunity to exhibit at this year's ‘Be Inspired’ Careers Fair. The Fair is on Wednesday 13th November, from 2.00PM- 4.00PM.

The Careers Fair is an opportunity for all College pupils, and parents, to speak to different organisations. Conversations will vary across each organisation and may include questions on the skills needed in the industry, work experience opportunities, jobs, apprenticeships and graduate programs.   

On the day, set up will be from 12.00PM. Each organisation will be allocated a table and space to display any resource/ leaflets/ interactive activities.

The event starts at 2.00PM and finishes at 4.00PM. Refreshments will be provided. 

We do hope that our members can be part of this. If you have any questions please email miss.scully@hlc.org.uk


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