World Mental Health Day

This Thursday is World Mental Health Day with a focus on mental health in the workplace. So, what is mental health and how can employers support their teams?

  • Mental health is linked to our physical health

  • It’s how we feel, think and behave

  • It’s also our perception of the world and our self-esteem, confidence and resilience

It is important to recognise that there is a difference between normal life events and mental health issues – we will all face challenges in our lives from time to time.

  • If someone is struggling to cope, employers may see some of the following:

  • Drop in productivity and performance

  • Less engagement within the workplace

  • Making mistakes

  • Conflicts with colleagues, clients, customers etc

  • A change in appearance or behaviour

To support team members, managers and business owners can

  • Check in regularly with their team members

  • Listen to any concerns that they may have and offer support – sometimes just talking it through can help

  • Agree what support, adjustments they can make including working hours, responsibilities, work environment

  • Signpost employees to sources of support within the workplace – employee assistance programme, occupational health, wellbeing champions etc

  • Help the employee to identify what they can do to look after themselves – this can be empowering.

HR Solutions Yorkshire can support your business with developing a wellbeing strategy and training Mental Health First Aiders. To find out more please get in touch.

Sarah Darbyshire FCIPD
HR Consultant and Director
HR Solutions Yorkshire Limited

HR Strategy - Business Change - Management Development - Employee Relations - Board Advisor

01937 591577 | |

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