Titan Wealth Group rebrands Cardale Asset Management to Titan Private Wealth 

Titan Wealth Group is pleased to announce the rebrand of Cardale Asset Management to  Titan Private Wealth, an investment management business providing portfolio management to private clients, pension schemes, charities, corporates and intermediaries across the UK. 

Titan Private Wealth specialises in equity based investing and has over 2,700 discretionary clients and over £2.0bn of assets under management.  

Fund performance 

2023 was the strongest relative year for Titan Private Wealth’s all equity portfolio at +18.2% compared to ARC (ARC Sterling Equity Risk) at +8%. Since 2009 the firm’s all equity portfolio has grown by over 310% v 169% for ARC*. 

Titan Private Wealth takes a bottom-up approach to investment and invests across multiple asset classes, predominantly in fixed income and equities, including direct equity investments, as well as providing clients with exposure to cash, property and alternatives such as absolute return, private equity and infrastructure. It runs an expanded range of five MPS portfolios, with different weightings of equities and risk assets to manage the different risk ratings between one to five.  

New building and recruitment drive 

Titan Private Wealth is planning a significant increase in staff and client numbers in the coming years and will shortly move to a new building in Harrogate. This will provide double the existing floor space to accommodate the existing team and a wide range of client facing and support roles currently being recruited for, including Senior Investment Managers, Operations Admin and Admin staff. 

James Kaberry, Joint-CEO, Titan Wealth Group, said: “Thanks to Mark and his team’s outstanding leadership, and genuinely differentiated approach, Titan Private Wealth’s funds have outperformed the market while also offering great value to clients. The newly rebranded business delivers new possibilities to Titan Wealth Group and adds to our existing high-quality asset management offering. We look forward to seeing the business continue to grow and succeed in this next phase as Titan Private Wealth.” 

Mark Puleikis, Chief Executive, Titan Private Wealth, said: “This is an exciting new chapter for the team. Thanks to Titan Wealth’s support, we will accelerate our growth and continue to operate a dynamic business model, ensuring we can move quickly to maximise opportunities for our clients.”  

* Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P. 

About Titan Wealth  

Titan is a client to custody business offering custody, platform, discretionary fund management and financial planning. Targeting £50 billion in assets under administration over the next three to five years and assets under management of £40 billion, Titan aims to bring high-quality execution and administration to the asset and wealth management sector.  

Titan is led by a highly experienced management team with deep expertise across financial services and is backed by Parthenon Capital Partners and Ares Management. Its management team comprises: James Kaberry, an experienced entrepreneur and founder of Pantheon Financial Management, which grew to be one of the UK's largest financial advisory firms; Andrew Fearon, who has been active in UK wealth management and a founder of one of the biggest UK IFA consolidators, as well as raising funds for other UK IFA consolidators; Damian Sharp, whose financial services career spans over 30 years, with the greater part spent at Pantheon Financial Management Ltd where as Managing Director he steered the group through its RDR rationalisation to its ultimate sale to Ascot Lloyd; Ken Coveney who brings nearly three decades of experience to Titan, having previously held the role of CFO at Crown Agents Group, Alcumus Group and most recently at Corona Corporate Solutions. 



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