Rooster’s Appoints New Sales Director

Rooster’s Brewing Co. is delighted to announce the appointment of Ian Galbraith as its new Sales Director. Joining from Kirkstall Brewery, where he has held a similar position for the past 5 years, Ian will also become Joint Managing Director along with Tom Fozard, Rooster’s Operations Director.

Commenting on the appointment, Ian Fozard, Rooster’s Chairman said: “We’re delighted that Ian is joining us – he has a strong track record in growing craft beer sales in what is a tough market. Ian’s appointment will enable me to step back from much of the day to day detail I have become involved in and I’m very much looking forward to working with him as we aim to grow the Rooster’s and Daleside brands utilising his experience and knowledge”.

Ian brings a wealth of experience to his new role at Rooster’s having previously worked as Head of Take Home sales at Black Sheep Brewery, prior to joining Kirkstall. Upon joining Rooster’s Ian said: “I’m really excited to be able to take up this position with the team at Rooster’s. They are true innovators in beer and have been a respected fixture on the beer scene for many years so, helping them develop and grow is a great opportunity.”

With a focus on Sales, Ian will work with Tom Fozard as Joint Managing Director in helping the business take the next step along as the brewery enters its 32 nd year since being established in 1993. Tom Fozard said:

“I’m looking forward to be working alongside Ian and I’m extremely pleased that we’ve been able to attract and appoint someone of his calibre. Not only does Ian bring a wealth of experience and a high level skillset that will help both Rooster’s and Daleside take strides forward, he also quickly passed the pint test, which is almost as important in this industry!”


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