HR Solutions Yorkshire Offers Discount on Mental Health Courses

Ake & Humphris’ Paul Auty

HR Solutions Yorkshire is offering members of Harrogate Chamber of Commerce a 10% discount on Adult Mental Health First Aid training for private in-house courses. 

The consultancy firm, based in Harrogate, offers the following options to help members of your team to look after themselves and others:


This course raises awareness of mental health. It covers: 

·       What mental health is and how to challenge stigma

·       A basic knowledge of some common mental health issues

·       An introduction to looking after your own mental health and maintaining wellbeing

·       Confidence to support someone in distress or who may be experiencing a mental health issue

Standard cost is £125 + VAT per delegate.  Everyone who completes the course gets:

·       A certificate of attendance to say they are Mental Health Aware

·       A manual to refer to whenever they need it

·       A workbook including a helpful toolkit to support their own mental health


Train your employees as a Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®) and receive three years of certification, plus access to ongoing benefits.   

This course is ideal for individuals who would like to become an MHFAider® to gain the knowledge and skills to spot signs of people experiencing poor mental health, be confident to start a conversation and signpost a person to appropriate support.​ 

In addition to the course, they will become part of the largest MHFAider® community in England, gaining access to resources, ongoing learning and 24/7 digital support through MHFA England’s MHFAider Support App®, to give them the tools and knowledge they need to carry out the role effectively and confidently, whether that be in their workplace, a volunteer role, or in the community. 

Standard cost is £325 + VAT per delegate.

Everyone who completes this course gets: 

·       A hard copy workbook to support their learning throughout the course 

·       A digital manual to refer to whenever they need it​ after completing the course 

·       A wallet-sized reference card with the Mental Health First Aid action plan​ 

·       A digital MHFAider® certificate  

·       Access to the MHFAider Support App® for three years 

·       Access to ongoing learning opportunities, resources and exclusive events ​

·       The opportunity to be part of the largest MHFAider® community in England 

Once delegates have completed the Mental Health First Aid course, they can upgrade to the internationally recognised MHFAider® qualification, RSPH Level 3 Award in Mental Health First Aid.


Sarah Darbyshire has worked in HR for 28 years.  She completed the Mental Health First Aider qualification in 2019, and trained as an Instructor in 2020.  Since then, she has delivered over 25 courses – both online and face to face.  To find out more, please contact Sarah on 01937 591577, 07495 857525 or email


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