Henshaws : Why We Do It - Cameron’s Story
The world can be a frustrating place when you do not have the advantage of verbal communication. Add into the mix extreme sensory sensitivities, bowel related pain, bewilderment over curtailed pre-Covid activities, and you start to appreciate Cameron's world.
In many ways, Cameron has the same interests and wishes as any other 23-year-old. He loves to hang out with people his own age, to chill listening to music or watching a film, to dance, to be physically active, to visit a restaurant, not to mention showing off to someone he finds cute.
However, all of these present barriers. Cameron is autistic and non-verbal, requiring round-the-clock 1-to-1 care. He needs assistance dressing himself, with personal care, and almost every aspect of his life. It is impossible to know his thoughts and he cannot easily tell us when he is confused, in pain, hungry, thirsty, too hot, too cold, or simply wants to do something or avoid doing something. Additionally, intestinal issues mean a very restricted diet which for a number of years was limited to liquid protein drink.
Henshaws has been transformational for Cameron. He always has a spring in his step when he arrives. Working in an environment adapted to his individual needs (such as recognising his "allergy" to sitting at a desk, and giving easy access to a trampette and a gym ball) means his capacity for learning and gaining in confidence is maximised. He is now much more at ease with the world, more able to know what to expect in a situation, and less startled by the way the world functions. Intensive interaction is utilised, with an emphasis on encouraging self-advocacy and giving him control over situations.
The facilities at Henshaws bring out the best in Cameron – he loves spending time in the sensory garden at the Arts and Crafts Centre and attending the live music sensory workshops, as well as making use of the quiet spaces available. He navigates himself around the sites and is well-known for exercising his freedom to pop in and out of others' classes. He clearly loves the engagement he has with staff and peers and the respect, understanding, inclusivity and autonomy he receives. His development into a thoughtful, confident, more relaxed, fun-loving young adult would not have been possible without the support Henshaws has given.
If you would like to know more about getting involved either through volunteering or donating, please contact
Gemma Young Fundraising Development Manager
gemma.young@henshaws.org.uk 01423 541888
About Henshaws
Henshaws is a charity that has been helping people living with sight loss and a range of other disabilities for over 180 years.
Helping to reduce social isolation and increase independence through empowering disabled people to go beyond expectations and achieve their ambitions.
Our dedicated staff and volunteers are the fuel of the organisation; they provide support, advice and training, enabling people and their families to build skills, develop confidence, help each other and look forward to a more positive future.
We work throughout the North of England and our places include a Specialist College, Supported Housing, Community Centres and an Arts & Crafts Centre. We also work within the community, supporting disabled people to be part of their local community.
We are continually developing technology to support more people, wherever they are, online. With the help of Knowledge Village we are able to provide helpful guides, tips and resources to offer a wide range of digital support.
0300 222 5555
50 Bond End, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, HG5 9AL