Harrogate Chamber Meeting Recap : Meet the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority

Harrogate District Chamber of Commerce (HDCC) hosted a lively and informative meeting on September 9th, featuring key figures from the newly formed York & North Yorkshire Combined Authority (YNYCA).

Mental Health

Following a welcome and introduction from Chamber President, Phill Holdsworth, Holly Astbury from Mind in Harrogate provided a thought-provoking presentation around mental health. She highlighted the alarming statistics of work-related stress, revealing that 17 million working days are lost in the UK due to this issue. Ms Astbury emphasised the importance of mental health resources and support for businesses and individuals in the Harrogate area.

For those seeking further information or support, Ms Astbury encouraged attendees to contact her directly at holly@mindinharrogate.org.uk.

Chamber Advocacy

Chamber President Phill Holdsworth outlined his ongoing work with CEO Martin Mann, addressing member concerns raised through a recent questionnaire. They have been actively engaging with local councillors to represent the interests of the business community.

Shaping the Future of York & North Yorkshire

James Farrar, YNYCA Chief Executive, provided a detailed overview of the combined authority's journey and future plans. He discussed a £380 million transport fund, a housing investment initiative, carbon reduction goals, and a business and workforce development strategy.

Mr Farrar emphasised that a 10-year growth plan will be shaped by collaboration with businesses. The combined authority is committed to listening to the needs of the business community and tailoring its initiatives accordingly.

Putting People First

David Skaith, the new Mayor of York & North Yorkshire said he is focused on understanding the human stories behind regional data. He acknowledged that high streets are evolving, and understanding these changes is crucial for their future success.

Mayor Skaith prioritised tackling anti-social behaviour and expressed concern about the lack of engagement options for young people. He emphasised the importance of creating a vibrant and inclusive community that attracts and retains young talent.

Addressing Key Challenges

Tim Forber, North Yorkshire Police Chief Constable, addressed the unique challenges of policing North Yorkshire, such a its vast and geographically diverse area. While highlighting a significant decrease in crime and reduced emergency call waiting times, he stressed the importance of future collaboration with other agencies (including healthcare) for improved service delivery.

Engaging with the Issues

Members actively participated in the Q&A session, raising a variety of concerns and questions. Topics included tackling unlicensed taxi operations, improving town centre maintenance, transport and supporting underfunded charities.


Then followed member news, with Chamber members sharing their upcoming events and special offers.

The meeting closed with Chamber President Phill Holdsworth thanking the speakers and all attendees, as well as the Cedar Court Hotel for their hospitality. 

The Chamber's next meeting will be held on October 14th at Harrogate College, addressing the important topic of Menopause at Work. We look forward to seeing you there!


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