Harrogate Business Coach Offers Free Business Growth Events

Harrogate business coach, Ian Howard of Business Doctors is offering two free Business Growth events.

Designed to help business owners develop growth strategies as well as offering implementation support, the sessions are designed to help businesses no matter their size or situation.

The events are hosted at The West Park Hotel on 15th June and 4th July. Places are limited so book your session using the below links!

Further details can be found below:

Business Growth Roadmap Seminar - Book here

Thu, 15 Jun 2023 09:00 - 11:00

The West Park Hotel, 19 West Park, Harrogate, HG1 1BJ

Regardless of where you are at right now, whether you are coping with a surge in demand or the opposite, then trying to make sense of the number of opportunities available to you, or questioning the long-term viability of your current model, the Business Growth Roadmap Seminar will benefit you as a business owner by plotting an easy-to-understand roadmap.

You may currently find yourself at a strategic crossroads, so understanding your direction and where your business is heading in the next 12 months is critical. We will be focusing on gaining clarity around your personal aspirations, the underpinning values and beliefs that drive your business/brand identity and how this translates into building value in your business.

As with any journey, it makes sense to plan the most efficient route to take. The seminar will guide you through starting to understand how to future proof your business, unlocking the market opportunities that give you the returns you need to sustain and grow, before simplifying these into a clear strategic focus.

Planning is the easy bit: the key is to engage your team (internally and externally) so they share your values and vision for the future. Your team must be capable of making things happen without you being the only one in the driving seat.

What will I learn and take away from the session?

In simple terms, no confusing language or jargon, how to produce a business strategy and an action plan that is tailored for your business.

A personalised benchmark and valuation of your business as it is now through the Value Builder Questionnaire


Arrival and Networking : 45 mins

Seminar: The Business Growth Roadmap : 45mins

Q&A and networking : 30 mins

Business Growth Workshop - Book Here

Tue, 4 Jul 2023 09:00 - 16:00

The West Park Hotel, 19 West Park, Harrogate, HG1 1BJ

The workshop will involve a 6-hour workbook-led collaborative session with an individual 28-page Business Growth Value Report delivered via a 1-hour one-to-one business review session.

Who will benefit?:

All sectors and all markets

Business owners with the drive to grow their business but are hampered by:

  • Lack of access to skills and expertise and the ability to engage and motivate employees

  • The current economic climate, reduction in consumer spending due to the cost of living crisis, navigating through the new barriers to trade, exporting to the European market

  • Raising finance with lenders becoming more risk averse post-Covid

Business owners that want to increase the value of their business and achieve personal freedom.

Businesses wanting to increase sales, motivate their workforce or manage cash more effectively.

Sector-specific models that need a change of approach.

The workshop

Work directly with shareholders/directors of SME businesses. Delegates will have the opportunity to access their free, confidential Valuation and Growth report. Delegates will work alongside and with each other to explore key areas of their individual operations including:

Growth Potential –10 steps to building your roadmap for profitable growth.

  1. Financial Performance – 8 factors that determine business value.

  2. The three attributes of a scalable business model.

  3. How to avoid being over-dependent on employees, customers, or suppliers.

  4. Having the cash to grow – simple techniques to eliminate cash worries.

  5. Recurring Revenue–improve predictability of income and increase value.

  6. The Wow Factor - Creating customer value to avoid competing on price.

  7. Measuring Customer Satisfaction – how likely are customers to buy again?

  8. Making the business less dependent on you – key tools to manage urgency and start planning.

  9. Profit versus Value – A five-year growth journey.

  10. Bringing it all together and making it happen – the next steps.

Key features

A free to attend 6-hour workshop followed by a one hour individual one-to-one business support session.

A 28-page Business Valuation and Growth Report will be generated for each delegate for their specific business in preparation for the program.

Online workbooks will be provided to help delegates capture and record key learnings and observations. These will build into a resource for future reference.

Every opportunity will be sought to maximise interaction between delegates for common success.

Venue to reflect the need to step away from day-to-day activities and devote quality time to reflect on the business.

What's included

Approximately 7 hours of direct facilitation. Including a 6-hour workshop and a 1-hour one-to-one business support session

Venue, refreshments & equipment.

All workbooks and materials associated with the success of the sessions.

Access to facilitator throughout programme.


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